November 2023 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2020 (2021.1.0.7):
SBR Interactions
Added the ability to submit (lodge) an amended FBT return without first having to have an existing successfully submitted (lodged) FBT return in easyFBT. To enable this over-ride feature, open the Preliminary: FBT Return tab in your entity and change the Status option to either Lodged, Amending or Re-lodged. Once the status is changed you can create a new Submit (Lodge) interaction in the Electronic Lodgement (SBR) Interaction Manager which will then show the Amendment of submitted (lodged) return screen asking for a Reason for amendment, a revision sequence number (1-9) and the Type of amendment (“Agency Error” or “Lodger Error”).
May 2020 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2020 (2020.1.0.4):
SBR Interactions
For organisations using a corporate firewall/proxy server to access the internet, we have added the ability to provide a proxy server configuration. These settings are available via the Tools -> Options -> Interactions tab. Additional whitelisting URLs may also need to be added to your corporate firewall or anti-virus software.
Tax Agents
We have added the ability to not display the Tax File Number on any produced Fringe Benefits Tax Return or Electronic Lodgement Declarations to cater for the Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) Scheme that governs all firms with greater than $3m revenue. Further information about the scheme is available here.
Note: if you have updated to release 2020.1.0.2 and your organisation does not require these features then this update is optional.
April 2020 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2020 (2020.1.0.2):
Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return 2020 and SBR Interactions
The ATO Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return 2020 form has been added to this version and can be produced as a paper form for manual lodgement with the ATO as per prior years or when using the Electronic Lodgement (SBR) Interaction Manager to lodge electronically.
SBR interactions in easyFBT 2020 are now processed through the latest SBR2 gateway where you are required to Validate (formally Pre-lodge) or Submit (formally Lodge) your returns.
SBR Machine Credential Requirement
If you intend to lodge your FBT Return form electronically then you will need a Machine to Machine (M2M) credential as the previously used AUSkeys have been retired by the ATO as at the end of March 2020. To create a machine credential in the ATO’s Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), you must be either a principal authority or a machine credential administrator (MCA) of the business. Note: you will need to create one for each entity that is required to be electronically lodged.
Guide: how to install a machine credential
ATO Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)
September 2019 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2020 (2020.1.0.1):
Local entities, user reports and offline backups
To make the transition of moving or upgrading computer hardware easier we have moved the Local Data Source entities location to the current user's (My)Documents folder (from C:\ProgramData\One Plus One Solutions Pty Limited\). We have also moved user generated reports and offline backups to the same location.
Enhancements and other changes
Preliminary: FBT Return form
Turned off scroll mode with the mouse wheel where a drop-down selector is active but not in drop-down mode. This will ensure selections are not accidentally changed when moving the mouse.
The following changes have been made:
Added a new report and ATO Form validation called Private Kilometres or Business Use Percentage Missing for Residual Non-Cars which displays a complete listing of all Residual Non-Cars that have neither Private Kilometres nor a Business Use Percentage entered but have total operating costs greater than zero. Without one of these entered easyFBT can’t calculate a taxable value for the non-car.
Fixed an issue entering decimal places into fields such as the Statutory Benchmark Interest Rate when using the filter in the Create Report Wizard.
General changes
As with each FBT year, rates and other values are required to be updated. The following changes have been made for the 2020 FBT year:
Updated the Car Parking public holidays table with the 2019/20 State/Territory gazetted public holidays;
Updated the Statutory Benchmark Interest Rate (5.37%);
Updated CPI Indexation factors for Housing;
Updated the Cents per Km rates for Residual Non-Cars: 0 to 2500cc (55c), Over 2500cc (66c), Motorcycles (16c); and
Updated the Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) country codes and rates